The Cisterna Volley season in the Superlega has officially begun. This morning the players of the pontine team met at Dr. Martini’s Ninfa Rehabilitation Clinic in Cisterna di Latina. The athletes were able to follow the screening and analysis process with the Club staff while the first weight-training session is scheduled for the afternoon at the Cisterna di Latina building.

«The goal of physical preparation, clearly, is to be able to arrive in the best possible conditions for the first championship match – coach Guillermo Falasca cuts short – But let’s go step by step, first let’s see how the tests we did for analyze the general state of the players, then we’ll start with the work which will be more or less intense: this will depend on the physical state of the players even if someone is missing for commitments with the national teams. The positive thing is that, overall, the number of absences will not be so excessive and for this reason it will be possible to immediately set up a job that will allow us to gradually start creating the right conditions to set up what we will do in optimal conditions. When things progress we will begin to pick up the pace with some joint training sessions which we will most likely organize with neighboring teams, then the more demanding tests will arrive which will lead us to raise the bar to then get to the first championship». During the preparation, some young prospects from Marino Volleyball will be added to the first team, a club with which Cisterna has a fruitful working relationship: the young people who will be included will make it possible to integrate absences, especially in the first phase and this will allow coach Falasca to be able to develop the work with a considerable number of elements.

The tests were carried out by the medical staff of Cisterna Volley, a well-trained and experienced team of professionals. «I am very happy to be able to work with this professional staff, the very positive thing is that they are people who have been working together for a very long time and this is a guarantee of great efficiency – assures Dr. Amedeo Verri, now a veteran of volleyball pontina, head of the medical staff – Thanks to the experience gained together over the years, we now interface continuously and professionally: we talk a lot to guarantee constant attention to all team members. In this group, which has been working together for a long time, there will be no osteopath Mirko Carnevale who has made a lot of professionalism available in recent years: we would like to thank him for the work he has done, wishing him the best professional satisfactions».