In these days of waiting for the start of the preparation of Rinascita Volley for the next championship, the club of President Nicola Carlomagno sees confirmations and new entries for the start of the new season.

Among the confirmations we see Giuseppe Pisano, present last year with the role of team manager but this year he will take on a new role. He will be the second coach and scout who will support coach Lorizio.

Giuseppe Pisano, already present in the past two seasons, was a fundamental figure for the team, which is why the President did not hesitate to reconfirm him. Coach Pisano’s career as a coach sees him collaborate with the DMB Villa d’Agri company, with the men’s and women’s youth championships, as well as with the first women’s team and from 2022 also with the Bee Volley Tramutola always in the youth field.

“I am very happy to be able to continue my growth path with Rinascita Lagonegro, and I thank President Carlomagno and all of society for this new role they have entrusted to me. The season we will face will be a long and hard season, on a personal level it will be an opportunity to be able to learn more and make available the lessons received over the years. The objectives will be many, but what I can assure you is that we will give 110% to ensure that the team can play a leading role this season.”

Thus concludes coach Pisano, waiting for the preparation of the boys to begin on August 24th in the Villa d’Agri arena, where the President, the Management, the staff and the athletes will meet for the initial greetings and to plan the new season which will start on October 15th.