During the week, he puts on his tracksuit and joins the technical staff for training at the Spes Arena. On Sunday, however, he puts on his glasses, grabs the microphone and devotes himself to commenting on the home matches of Belluno Volleyball: Claudio Neri remains.

Expertise, passion, a particular aptitude for versatility. Three characteristics that faithfully reflect a profile appreciated across the board: «During sessions in the gym – says the person concerned – I make myself available to the coaches for anything they may need. From the care of the technical settings related to the individual athlete to a much more prosaic practice such as picking up balls. I try to make myself useful at 360 degrees for any need». Neri has also rediscovered himself as a commentator: «I have received many positive comments and I am happy with them. Also in the next season, “Basu” De Battista will support me as support: we have a lot of fun ».

WIDE VIEWS – The time to return to the Spes Arena is approaching: «We are anxious to experience the news first hand and to understand how this A3 championship will develop. Expectations are high, the goal is important: in this sense, the company has certainly not hidden away. The names that arrived in the summer are thick. Then, as in any sport, you can never be sure that 1+1 always gives 2 as a result. The unknowns are not lacking and that’s the beauty, or the ugly, of volleyball and of any discipline: from the injury variable to the continuity of performance, there are many components that must fit together to cross a certain type of finish line». Matteo De Cecco is new to the staff: «He will bring a lot of experience. I know that there is an almost daily discussion with Gian Luca Colussi: speaking of coach Colussi, he is an intelligent person with broad views. Working with him is enriching.”

DIVIDED HEART – Neri has coached generations of volleyball players: «I feel at home here, I know everyone. Last year, I was “feared” that we would meet Tuscania Volley in the playoffs: that is, the team of my origins, in which I still have several friends. Starting with the president Angelo Pieri, passing through the general manager Alessandro Cappelli. My heart would have split, even if not in half: I feel a little closer to Belluno Volley».