Once again a new face for the partnership of the president Elena Gragnoli. Tommaso Falorni, born in 2006, setter of 196 centimeters in height, joins the athletes group of the ErmGroup Pallavolo San Giustino. With this umpteenth purchase, the Alto Tiberina company demonstrates the direction taken and how important it is to give certain profiles. After a long courtship, the sporting director Valdemaro Gustinelli managed to secure the services of the very young Tuscan talent (he lives in Pontedera), who last year was the regional champion with Sir Perugia, as a protagonist, both in the Under 19 and Under 17 categories, with which he then took part in the national stages, as well as having played – again with the Sir shirt – in the Serie B national championship. be your own path for this season. The player was carefully evaluated throughout last season: his enormous physical potential stands out but more than anything else what struck me are his mental abilities, since he is a determined boy, he knows what he wants and where he wants to go; despite her very young age she is temperamentally set and this is an added value for the role she plays. I believe without a shadow of a doubt that there are few profiles like him around, even if obviously he is a player who needs to be “modelled”: that is, he has to work a lot in terms of motor skills, fix a body imbalance he has when he dribbles in four and touch the ball a lot, a lot, but I am absolutely sure that Tommy can become a cornerstone of this club and certainly a high-profile athlete”. The wonderful news arrived in the last few hours corroborates Diesse Gustinelli’s thought: Tommaso Falorni has been called up for an internship with the Under 19 national team in Zocca (Modena) from 25 August to 2 September next. “All of this only confirms what I just said about him – remarked Gustinelli – and I hope this acts as a further stimulus for the boy: it’s no coincidence and getting to the national team isn’t something you do every day.