Another important component of the Gioiella Prisma medical staff is made up of Dr. Giovanni Pisapia, available to the team during the season.

Giovanni Pisapia specializes in Hematology and Oncology and takes care of everything related to the general medicine of athletes during the year, collaborating with the club for the well-being of the team. Present at all home games at the PalaMazzola, he is not only a doctor, but also one of the first fans of the Gioiella Prisma.

“This year went well thanks to the choral collaboration of all the medical staff – Pisapia declares – for next year I expect not to suffer for salvation as it was towards the end of the season, because behind the scenes we too spend a lot energies and we wish the best for the team first of all as fans and aficionados of the colors. I am pleased to see that thanks to the market conducted by the management and sports director Vito Primavera we have a respectable roster hoping to obtain rewarding results for everyone. It would be ideal to have even a little more audience during the year, people must be made aware because we work for a very beautiful sport where there are no “trivial” things, children and families can come quietly to watch the matches, they are events that must be followed and valued. We have never stopped talking to the management given the interventions requested during this international tournament in which I will be present at the PalaMazzola. I have always maintained excellent contacts with everyone, especially with Stefano De Luca and Vito Primavera who are truly top-level executives, together with the Presidency, in short, a team with which it is always a pleasure to work and collaborate with”