Macerata had no troubkle to beat Loreto in the derby and what was the club’s first outing of the season. This was a sweep on the following score: 25-14, 25-13, 25-19. Omrcen proved the main offensive threat while Dentinho had a good debut.

LUBE BANCA MARCHE: Monopoli 3, Omrcen 17, Raymaekers 8, Ravellino 9, Paparoni 2, Bartoletti 12, Corsano (L), Dentinho 3. Dnp. Smerilli (L), Modica, Stojkovic. Coach. Caponeri.

ESSE-TI CARILO LORETO: Digao 7, RJ 2, Marra (L), Marzola, Diachkov 5, Massaccesi, Ortolani, Dolfo 1, Visentin 2, Vigilante 9, Belcecchi 1, Cester 1. Dnp. Marzola. Coach. Moretti