Important partnership for Volley Marcianise, who signed a deal with Cami Consulting, approaching this current 2022/2023 Credem Banca Serie A3 season.

Girone Bianco. The round starts on Saturday with Savigliano – Bologna and Monselice – San Giustino. On Sunday the other 5 meetings
Girone Blu: Saturday in Campo Ortona – Modica, the day after the Bari – Tuscania race leads the way in the Sunday marathon
The new season of Serie A3 Credem Banca also broke the delay with the 14 challenges of the first day. Matches that reserved endless emotions, putting new talents and teams destined to lead the way in the spotlight. On the weekend of 15 and 16 October the teams from the White and Blue groups will return to the field for the 2nd round.

2nd Round First Half Regular Season Serie A3 Credem Banca – Girone Bianco

Sabato 15 ottobre 2022, ore 18.00
Monge-Gerbaudo Savigliano – Geetit Bologna
Arbitri: Lentini Gianmarco, Mazzarà Antonio
Video Check: Viale Marco
Segnapunti: Pavani Roberto
Diretta YouTube Legavolley
TMB Monselice – ErmGroup San Giustino
Arbitri: Cecconato Luca, Lorenzin Ruggero
Video Check: Pettenello Davide
Segnapunti: Baccaglini Caterina
Diretta YouTube Legavolley
Domenica 16 ottobre 2022, ore 18.00
Stadium Pallavolo Mirandola – Sol Lucernari Montecchio Maggiore
Arbitri: Polenta Martin, Traversa Luigi
Video Check: Mutti Riccardo
Segnapunti: Maiellano Miriam
Diretta YouTube Legavolley
Da Rold Logistics Belluno – Gamma Chimica Brugherio
Arbitri: Sabia Emilio, Di Lorenzo Antonino
Video Check: Scapinello Alessandro
Segnapunti: De Biasi Sara
Diretta YouTube Legavolley
Abba Pineto – Volley Team San Donà di Piave
Arbitri: Oranelli Alessandro, Galtieri Andrea
Video Check: Renzi Emanuele
Segnapunti: Roio Sabatino
Diretta YouTube Legavolley
Moyashi Garlasco – Vigilar Fano
Arbitri: Russo Roberto, Pasin Marco
Video Check: Vangone Deborah
Segnapunti: Zollino Cristina
Diretta YouTube Legavolley
Med Store Tunit Macerata – WiMORE Parma
Arbitri: Laghi Marco, Angelucci Claudia
Video Check: Natalini Giulia
Segnapunti: D’Auria Chiara
Diretta YouTube Legavolley

Standings Serie A3 Credem Banca – Girone Bianco
Geetit Bologna 3, Med Store Tunit Macerata 3, Da Rold Logistics Belluno 3, Abba Pineto 3, WiMORE Parma 2, Sol Lucernari Montecchio Maggiore 2, Gamma Chimica Brugherio 2, Monge-Gerbaudo Savigliano 1, TMB Monselice 1, Moyashi Garlasco 1, Vigilar Fano 0, Volley Team San Donà di Piave 0, ErmGroup San Giustino 0, Stadium Pallavolo Mirandola 0.

2nd Round First Half Regular Season Serie A3 Credem Banca – Girone Blu

Sabato 15 ottobre 2022, ore 20.30
Sieco Service Ortona – Avimecc Modica
Arbitri: Lanza Claudia, Morgillo Davide
Video Check: Finucci Anna
Segnapunti: Di Florio Dario
Diretta YouTube Legavolley
Domenica 16 ottobre 2022, ore 16.00
M2G Green Gruppo Stamplast Bari – Maury’s Com Cavi Tuscania
Arbitri: Capolongo Antonio, Pasciari Luigi
Video Check: Ayroldi Raffaella
Segnapunti: Francia Salvatore
Diretta YouTube Legavolley
Domenica 16 ottobre 2022, ore 17.00
Farmitalia Catania – SMI Roma
Arbitri: Ciaccio Giovanni, Pecoraro Sergio
Video Check: Galletti Gabriele
Segnapunti: Grasso Alessandro
Diretta YouTube Legavolley
Domenica 16 ottobre 2022, ore 18.00
Volley Marcianise – Aurispa Libellula Lecce
Arbitri: Gaetano Antonio, De Sensi Danilo
Video Check: Pazzi Milena
Segnapunti: Grieco Giuseppina
VARIAZIONE IMPIANTO Diretta YouTube Legavolley
SSD Sabaudia – QuantWare Napoli
Arbitri: Usai Piera, Mannarino Matteo
Video Check: Fanelli Piapina Michela
Segnapunti: Diana Tommaso
Diretta YouTube Legavolley
Leo Shoes Casarano – Wow Green House Aversa
Arbitri: Adamo Giorgia, Grossi Dario
Video Check: Resta Giuseppe
Segnapunti: Bianchi Denise Mary Rose
Diretta YouTube Legavolley
Shedirpharma Sorrento – OmiFer Palmi
Arbitri: Somansino Alessandro, Candeloro Eleonora
Video Check: Galano Gennaro
Segnapunti: Ferrante Marco
Diretta YouTube Legavolley

Standings Serie A3 Credem Banca – Girone Blu
Wow Green House Aversa 3, Maury’s Com Cavi Tuscania 3, Avimecc Modica 3, Shedirpharma Sorrento 3, Leo Shoes Casarano 3, OmiFer Palmi 2, Sieco Service Ortona 2, SMI Roma 1, M2G Green Gruppo Stamplast Bari 1, Aurispa Libellula Lecce 0, QuantWare Napoli 0, Farmitalia Catania 0, SSD Sabaudia 0, Volley Marcianise 0.

Volleyball and Media

Live broadcast on RAI Radio 1
The 3rd day of SuperLega Credem Banca will be featured on RAI Radio 1. Study updates on SuperLega Credem Banca results and rankings will be constantly provided in the Sunday afternoon headings of the well-known radio channel.

Live radio “Set & Note” on LatteMiele and
Sunday at 6.00 pm
Marco Caronna’s radio raids on the fields of the SuperLega Credem Banca Championship are back. The conductor within the “Set & Note” program will follow the progress of the Sunday challenges of SuperLega Credem Banca live. “Set & Note” is also on the web live streaming on or by clicking on the LatteMiele box on the homepage of

Foreign TVs
The TV partners of the Serie A Volleyball League abroad will broadcast the matches from Civitanova and Piacenza (Saturday): Sportklub (Serbia, Kosovo, Croatia, Bosnia Herzegovina, Slovenia, Macedonia, Montenegro), Polsat (Poland), TBS, FUJI TV, Volleyball TV and ESPN Latam (Central / South America and Caribbean) as well as the main world betting sites served by the IMG Arena agency. The Polish broadcaster Polsat also broadcasts all the matches of Sir Safety Susa Perugia.

Domenica Sportiva and Tg Sport on Rai 2
The historic Sunday evening program on Rai 2 will broadcast the report of the correspondent Maurizio Colantoni, for the story of the Sunday match broadcast on Rai Sport with the words of the protagonists of the day. The interview, together with other columns and insights on the protagonists of SuerLega Credem Banca, will be repeated on “Tg Sport” in the editions on Rai 2, Rai Sport, and Rai News.

TG5 and Sport Mediaset
The Canale 5 nightly TG5 will offer a service on the SuperLega Credem Banca weekend through the images of the races. The same service will be broadcast in multiple passages in the Sport Mediaset news bulletin, broadcast from 24.00 to 8.00.

SKY Sport 24
Sky Sport 24 will take care of in-depth information on the matches of the Credem Banca SuperLega Championship, taking stock of the games played, with images and interviews with the protagonists.

After Hours – SuperLeague at night
(#AfterHoursSuperLega) “After Hours, the SuperLega at night” live with Andrea Zorzi and Andrea Brogioni, offers many guests from the world of volleyball, every Sunday from 21.30 on the facebook page and on the YouTube channel of Lega Vollavolo Serie A. To enrich the season there will also be the midweek column “Poisoned ball”, the Wednesday study on the SuperLega Credem Banca weekend.