The world gold of Italian volleyball shines!
And the gold of the standard bearers of Sir Safety Susa Perugia Simone Giannelli and Roberto Russo glistens, shining as it should be after the great world championship victory of the Azzurri.
The great emotions experienced between Slovenia and Poland, the amazing wave of affection and attention received upon returning to Italy, the expectation of returning to dress the black and white for next season. All in one go, all by Simo & Roby, the gold Block Devils!
The first “slice of memory” is all too simple … the moment in which Bieniek pulls on the net the service that is worth the world title.
“The last ball fell … I fell too!” Says Giannelli. “I went down, the adrenaline went down in a second, unlike the European where I cried, this time I laughed out loud, I was happy, free, incredibly excited, I had pure joy, I enjoyed it without think of something else “.
“Until the last ball – explains Russo – I confess that I didn’t think about the fact that I was playing in the final. Then when Bieniek went to serve I looked at him, behind he had the scoreboard that said 24-20 for us, I thought that if he was wrong we would win … he was wrong and I remained motionless with a long shiver that ran through me back, then Checco (Recine) came over me and shocked me. An emotion never felt, I also thought about the last two years unlucky for me ”.
A few minutes later you get on the top step of the podium.
“I was really happy on that step,” says Simone. “These are moments that you wish would never end so try to fully enjoy them and then keep them inside you for life”.
“From the podium – continues Roberto – I remember the huge smiles we all had. And seeing the gold medals coming towards us was incredible “.
An Italy that started behind in the predictions of the eve, which step by step has become aware.
“We have always believed in it – it is Giannelli who speaks – then clearly the more you go forward, the more this belief in it becomes stronger. Surely the match with France was our crossroads. They are a crazy team, it’s hard to win with them, we did it with a super match”.

At the beginning it is not that you think you will win – it is Russo’s turn – rather you think about one game at a time and play it well. Our turning point was certainly the match against France, that victory gave us awareness and certainty. I think we won with great merit with Slovenia, the final with Poland was fought, but even there we saw our strength. I think it is a well deserved title, obtained by winning against the best of the tournament. I remember the words of Fefè (De Giorgi, ed) before the match against China in the group when there was an opportunity to finish on one side or the other of the scoreboard. He told us to go play and just think about winning without thinking about which opponent we would meet then because you had to beat them all in order to win the world championship ”.
The great following during the event, the great attention to the return to Italy. All very nice!
“While we were there I felt the support of the people from home, it gave us energy”, Giannelli is speaking again. “But then we realized all this attention when we returned to Italy! I’ll tell you this. Michieletto and I took the train together to go home, we got into a wagon and the whole wagon got up to applaud us! It is an honestly fantastic feeling, but in short… we are world champions, it is also rightly so ”.
Imagine Russo returning to Sicily …
“When we arrived in Italy we really understood the following of the people. Here in Partinico (his hometown) they have gone crazy, for days I greet people everywhere I go and take pictures and it is beautiful ”.
A load of enthusiasm that Simone and Roberto will bring to Perugia in a few days.
The director leaves.
“I am always charged to the bomb by character and I am super charged to come back and start over, I want to give everything I have for the team, for the club and for the fans. To have fun together and win! “.
“In a few days we cancel and start again, we go back to Perugia and we work hard to reach the goals of the club. Of course, I also put a lot in my suitcase, but a lot of enthusiasm! ”.
Finally, a curiosity … but where is the medal?
Giannelli: “She is at home, but above all she is in my heart and therefore I will always carry her with me”.
Russo: “I have it here next to me even now, I never leave it”.
Do well, guys. Perugia awaits you!