Few days before the start of the pre-season preparation, Avimecc Volley Modica officialized a collaboration agreement with one of the most important entrepreneurial realities of the Hyblaean territory as regards sportswear.

In fact, the team from Modica will wear Samer Sport Macron in the next season of the men’s A3 volleyball series.

Samer Sport Macron is a leading company in the sportswear sector that has an important “history” in the world of sport and over time has gained a lot of experience on the “field” having been alongside very important sports realities in our territory.

“We wanted to broaden our horizons also in the world of volleyball which practically makes us close a circle having in the past collaborated with football, basketball and 5-a-side football teams – explains Carmelo Licitra of Samer Sport Macron – we chose Modica, because we believe it is an important square from a cultural, sporting and above all commercial point of view. Modica has an important basin and collaborating with a serious sporting reality such as Avimecc Volley Modica is a source of pride for us and encourages us to do well. The partnership with Avimecc Volley Modica – he continues – as a man of sport at 360 ° was one of my goals, so from this collaboration I expect not only a growth from the business point of view, but also an opening in the Modica market on which we were aiming for some time, in addition of course to personal growth because – concludes Antonio Licitra – I will try to collaborate from a marketing point of view in order to grow from all points of view together with Avimecc Volley Modica ”.

The white-blue management is satisfied with the collaboration agreement reached with Samer Sport Macron Ragusa, an important company that will thus contribute to the growth of the team’s image.

“We are proud to have closed this partnership with Samer Sport Macron Ragusa – declare the managers of Avimecc Volley Modica – already from last year during the season we had the first contacts, this year we wanted to realize this agreement because Samer Sport is an important reality, a competent and above all serious company, Antonio Licitra and his collaborators are also full of enthusiasm that they are also able to convey. This is the first year of collaboration, but – the biancoazzurri managers conclude – we are sure that it will be a partnership that can last over time because we will thus have the opportunity to grow and learn from each other ”.