After Andrea Rossi, here is another Andrea: Mattei. And, as in a beautiful fairy tale to be handed down to posterity, even for the player from Aprilia, but a native of Marino, it is a welcome return to Top Volley Cisterna. To complete the work, the fact that like Andrea Rossi, he’s a middle blocker. “I am happy to be able to embrace the Super League again and above all of the fact that Candido Grande has given me this opportunity, that of returning to play near home and moreover in a historic and prestigious club like Top Volley Cisterna – he explained briefly the new signing – I was lucky enough to experience the team for a month last season when I trained with them during the playoffs for fifth place. The environment is fantastic and the technician Fabio Soli is a person from whom you can and must learn a lot. He puts passion into what he does and for us players, all of this is of vital importance ”. Andrea Mattei had already signed for Santa Croce, but family problems led him to terminate the contract. Then… “I was presented with this solution – explained the player himself – and I didn’t hesitate for a moment. Sure, sorry what happened, but I couldn’t do otherwise. I return to the Super League driven by great enthusiasm, ready to contribute to the growth of a team which, I am honest, seems very promising to me. The Super League, as well as the other major categories, has grown a lot. Many great players have returned to wear the jerseys of the main Italian teams. In short – continued Mattei – the bar has risen and a lot. Therefore, we must be very careful, but the idea that I have, even staying a month in contact with the environment, is that in Cisterna we are really serious, that we want to repeat the past season, where the team did very well indeed. I can’t wait to get started, to get back to work and to Fabio Soli’s service. What was given to me is truly a great opportunity and my desire is to exploit it in the best possible way “.