Last day of volleyball transfer market, the Delta Group Porto Viro’s confirmation in the 2022/2023 roster of a favorite of the black and fuchsia people, the setter Enrico Zorzi.

Paduan, born in 1990, 182 centimeters tall, Zorzi is preparing to experience the fifth season in Porto Viro, the third in a row. In his first experience in Polesine, in Serie B, between 2015 and 2017, between Serie A3 and Serie A2 Credem Banca, he played the role of deputy, of Kindgard first and then Fabroni.

His “official” playing time has necessarily been limited in these two seasons, nevertheless his presence has always been felt, on the sidelines as well as inside the locker room. Technical qualities combined with an immeasurable charisma and a strong attachment to the shirt, that’s why the Delta Group has decided to focus on him again: “This renewal fills me with pride – says Zorzi -, for me it is the result of years of sacrifices and passion. Staying in A2 with the Delta is a dream, and doing it in a place where I feel at home thanks to the warmth of the public is even better. It is them that I want to thank first of all, our fans, who in recent years, despite the many restrictions, have always been close to the team and have never failed to support us. Thank you for having been there and for being there again ”.

Years went by, Zorzi remained, however, the comrades in the ward changed. Now it’s the turn of Fefè Garnica, a teacher from whom you can only learn: “Those who know me know that I like to ‘steal’ with my eyes and being able to play with a professional of his caliber is a great honor for me – continues Zorzi – What personal goals have I set for the season? Making a championship that satisfies the team and that can allow us to do well while having fun ”.

Inevitable question at the end of the market: is this Delta Group stronger than last year’s? “The club has done a great job to put together a high-level roster – replies Zorzi – I would not talk about improvements compared to last season’s group, but simply about a different idea of ​​the team, also considering the arrival of a new coach. . I am really happy to be part of this project, I would say that salvation is already good and sweaty last year, now the time has come to fight for something more “.