To complete the spikers department comes the Emma Villas Aubay Siena Swan Ngapeth. French origins (born in Saint-Raphaël in France), class ’92, younger brother of Earvin Ngapeth, Swan wore the Modena shirt again last season after three years spent in Latina, Vibo Valentia and Poitiers in France.

Volleyball runs in the DNA of the Ngapeth family because Swan is the son of Eric, a former 1990s champion and expert coach. He began his career in the French Serie A, in Tours, where he immediately won the championship and two national cups. The first time in Italy he landed in Modena, in 2016, where he remained there for two years.

In his palmares he counts an Italian Super Cup with Modena, a French championship and three national cups.

We reached Swan who is in France waiting to return shortly to Italy with his brother and some friends.
“It was a last minute negotiation but I had strongly expressed my desire to stay in Italy and when the phone call from Sporting Director Gabriele Cottarelli for Emma Villas Aubay Siena came it didn’t take long to say yes.”

Swan Ngapeth will be among the firesides of the new biancoblu roster joining the other places four Petric, Van Garderen (team mates also in the yellow and blue years) and Raffaelli (met last year in Poiters).

“It is a group in which many already know each other. I played with and know both Petric and Raffaelli, Pinali, Van Garderen and Mazzone very well. They are friends over teammates. But beyond the friendship I believe it is a competitive team even if the technical value is measured in terms of the group and what the team does on the pitch ”.

“Siena for me will be a novelty as a city to live. I have already inquired and many Italians I know have told me about its beauty and its history. I can’t wait to visit it and obviously to return to the field. In recent weeks I have also been training with beach volleyball. I started training in preparation for last week. ”

On Wednesday 20 July the terms for the new season membership will expire, and on Thursday 21 July at 2.30 pm the “Presentation of the 2022/2023 Volleyball Serie A season” will begin, which will close the Volley Market and will officially start the new season of Emma Villas Aubay Siena in SuperLega.