Gioiella Prisma Taranto  has set up a complete, trained and competent medical staff at 360 ° contemplating all the necessary figures for the health of athletes. In addition to the aforementioned figures who refer to the medical director Dr. Tombolini, two other specialists are part of the health team available to the team: Dr. Pezzulla and dr. Pisapia.

Michele Pezzulla is the primary neurologist of the Villa Verde facility in Taranto and has many years of experience in sports medicine, having for many years carried out competitive fitness examinations in sports medicine. He took over the medical team in the middle of last season and followed the team group on the bench in their home games. Former national volleyball player, he knows the dynamics of this sport well and interfaces with athletes also in a specific way on the movements and the problems that derive from them at the neurological level:

“Being a former volleyball player, I have always followed volleyball here in Taranto and I have had the opportunity to know the reality of Prisma for a long time. In the first years of my medical career I followed sports medicine and it has always been a positive experience. With the boys of the Prisma I follow all the vicissitudes and problems that arise at the level of movement, both chronic and acute disorders. The disorders are analyzed in collaboration with the orthopedic staff and whether they are attributed to an articular or muscular level, we always work as a team, tackling various therapeutic paths. Also for next year I will give my willingness to follow the team group compatibly with my work commitments, but it is undoubtedly a passion that I have cultivated since the days of when I was a player and I certainly am very pleased to contribute to the health of these professional athletes “