In the 2022/23 season Alessandro Michieletto will no longer be the only son of art in the SuperLega Credem Banca’s Itas Trentino squad. In fact, with him there will also be Niccolò Depalma, son of Esteban (spiker of Argentine origin, in A1 in Rome, Modena and Montichiari, bronze at the 1988 Seoul Olympics and Scudetto in 1986) who for several years has made Trentino his home.
Niccolò, on the other hand, was born in Trento twenty years ago and holds the role of setter; he will be the alternative to Riccardo Sbertoli in a staff that, in fact, has already been completed exactly one week after the conclusion of the Volleyball Market in the summer of 2022. This is yet another product of the Gialloblù Youth Sector that reaches the first team; after taking the first steps in the Argentario Calisio nursery, from the summer of 2019 Depalma arrived in Trentino Volley, gaining more and more important experiences and playing not only the category championships but also those of Serie C, A3 and B, the latter two with the UniTrento Volley shirt. From his father he inherited the great passion for volleyball and technique, which stands out not only when he dribbles but also when, for example, he serves in jumping with great dexterity.
“I arrive in the first team to learn from the great champions with whom I will share this wonderful experience – explained Niccolò Depalma -; in this regard, I would like to thank all the teammates, the coaches and my family who have lived with me the path that led me to the SuperLega. My main goal will be to grow and make myself available to the team to pursue great goals. I am very excited and at the same time determined; I can not wait to start. I like to think that, after my father, there will be another Depalma in the top Italian volleyball league and that Depalma will be me “.