Will be Sir Safety Conad Perugia – Cucine Lube Civitanova the final of 2021/2022 Credem Banca Superleague, two powerhouses who defeated two powerhouses as Itas Trentino and Leo Shoes Perkinelmer Modena in two exciting and amazing Semifinals series, with a bunch of road wins from both sides, with Itas Trentino in front 2-0 in the series and with Modena winner in Perugia two times. In the end in Game 5 Lube and Sir Safety won on the home turf the crucial challenge, clinching the Big Final spot.

The press conference of the upcoming Final will take place tomorrow, live on official Lega Volley YouTube Channel, with head coaches Nikola Grbic and Gianlorenzo Blengini, and with captains Osmany Juantorena and Wilfredo Leon.
