Latina got off to a good start in Crema but it lost its way, clearly fading in the last two sets. Latina had gone 2-0 ahead and looked like cruising to victory but then Roberto Cazzaniga took over. The fourth set was a real runover 25-9 and the tie-break was not that different (15-8). The two teams will meet again on Wednesday but this time for the first encounter fo the playoffs quarter finals.


21-25 (26′), 24-26 (30′), 25-21 (26′), 25-9 (21′), 15-8 (13′).

SAMGAS CREMA: Cazzaniga 22, Ricci Petitoni L, Alletti, Patriarca 7, Batista 14, Jacobsen 3, Finazzi 11, Caprotti L, Silva, Orel, Ricardo 19, Baranowicz, Damaro. Coach: Monti.

ANDREOLI LATINA: Zelic, Tomassetti 9, Torre 3, Cortina L, Sbrolla, M. De Cecco 1, Scuderi L, Rosalba 10, Kovacevic 8, L. De Cecco, Moretti 9, Giombini 21, De Marchi. Coach: Ricci.