Once more away from home, there was nothing Castellana could do to get back home with a win. It fought hard in the first two sets, without luck, then dominated the third before surrendering in the fourth. Castellana can be disappointed not to have taken one of the first two sets, as their reception faltered again.

“I think it’s time to do something about it – said chairman Michele Miccolis about some dubious referee decisions – It’s not the first time we get penalized away from home by unfair decisions from referees but yesterday I think we had a couple of referee that are not up to this league. Don’t get me wrong, credit to Mantova who deserved the win, but I have to say that some decisions in the first two sets, which proved to be the most important ones, were completely wrong. I usually don’t say anything about it, but this time that was too much”.

Castellana Grotte’s next game will be home against Bologna.


MANTOVA: Paolucci 2, Zappaterra (L), Mazzonelli, Ruiz 17, Frosini, Nagy 24, Nemec 9, Barbareschi 12, Modnicki, De Marco 1, Walter 5. DNP Tognazzoni. Coach. Marchesi Gian Andrea.

MATERDOMINI VOLLEY.IT: Trimarchi (L), Corvetta 2, Barbone, Benedetto (L), Peda 7, Rosso 18, Quarti, Moro 13, Kmet 8, Creus Larry 11, Argilagos 7. DNP Zonno. Coach. Lattari Radames.

REFS: Mauro Goitre, Giuliano Venturi.