“A big thank you from my heart to all the enthusiastic supporters who live in Calabria and all the one around Italy and the ones living abroad who always follwed and supporter the team through the year.
Thanks to our top players who, in Vibo Valentia, have given their best; thanks to all the people who work with me, who believed in the possibility to get back to the top league and worked hard to rech the goal.Thanks to the media who always followed us.
I dedicate this come back to A1, conquered on court with courage and sacrifice, to Calabria. In the hope that, just like in sport, the region will be able to prove that we are not second to noone, when we make an effort and plays on merit, ability, intelligence and passion.
Calabria is a beautiful land with enormous potentials and unexpressed ones, that is why Volley Tonno Callipo will bring the colours of our region to the top league and around Italy with pride and hope. Wanting to demonstrate that, when the calabresi have a clear goal and are free from restrains, they are the first ones to respect the rules and they are able to play a great team game and win”.