It is clear that the situation in the standing is delicate. It is a must for Padova to win to get away from the bottom. Bruno Bagnoli is well aware of it who, after taking the team to the top at the end of the first leg, has had to work twice overtime to make up for the numerour injuries which lowered the teams’ performance in the second part of the championship.
Against Sparkling though, the group was back in full. But that was not enough to make points.
“Compared to a few weeks ago – says Bagnoli – the general conditions have improved. At the moment the team plays on and off, alternating great moments to blurry ones. We need continuity in our game, starting from the sideout phase”.
The first of the three challenges left to the end of the season is against Perugia, on sun the 30th at 18:00 in Perugia. “Perugia has a good blocking – the coach explains – and a valid digger such as Vujevic. On the top of that there is Kromm’s attack. We have to watch out for that considering that, if Perugia should win tonight against Modena, they would be psycologically advantaged on sunday. Anyhow, the match against Perugia is extremely delicate because their standings is similar to ours”.
On the medical point of view we need to point out Rob Bontje’s problem with his back which will not allow him to be on top form against Perugia.