This morning Famigliulo Corigliano’s players have dedicated their time to the charity project promoted by Telethon invited by MeEduSA, the Cultural Association that prepared the event promoted by TeleThon in Spezzano, inviting all the local schools to partecipate. Many the local authorities that partecipated.
Other that Famigliulo’s players, the B2 Women’s volleyball team partecipated too. Coaches Mario Pellegrino and Alberto Giuliani put together three mixed teams that challenged eachother on 2 short (125 points) sets.
Castrovillari BNL Director was present as well, he is the volunteer who took charge of the TeleThon project locally, he thanked the sports clubs who took part in the event.
Great success then in Spezzano, with Volley Corigliano in the front line once again in favour of a charity project.