Stoytchev’s team collects its first success and points in the championship at the end of a beautiful coral performance. Nikolov Mvp, but Jeroncic and Kaziyski showed great stuff too

Itas Diatec Trentino:
Trento, Oct 4th 2007

Itas Diatec Trentino takes over Cimone Modena and makes up for their defeat in Cuneo last sunday.
It could not have been a better home debut; Nikolov & Co. have been aggressive and concentrated from the beginning, playing a sharp match both in attack and at serving.
The bulgarian diagonal player together with Kaziyski have been great on high balls, solviong many situations (only one ball out for 40 attacked).
Jeronic and Grbic did well too. Kaziyski did 60% in attack and 68% in rice, one vlock and 3 aces.
The match was on a fine line through the 4 sets. Cimone Modena, making more mistakes in attack always kept its concentration and never gave up but Itas Diatec Trentino stayed on the ball and took home the 3 points needed to climb the standings. They are now 6th together with Modena, Perugia and Corigliano.
Coach R Stoytchev is obviously satisfied: “We put team spirit and sacrifice on court, showed by how we digged etc, showing we can play and win anybody”.

Sun Oct 7th at 18.00 Acqua Paradiso Gabeca Montichiari will be at Palatrento (top of the standings and 3-0 in Treviso tonight).

Itas Diatec Trentino-Cimone Modena 3-1
(25-20, 31-33, 25-18, 25-21)
ITAS DIATEC TRENTINO: Winiarsky 11, Birarelli 7, Grbic 3, Kaziyski 22, Jeroncic 12, Nikolov 23, Bari(L), Della Lunga, Mlyakov 2, Stoyanov. N.e. Segnalini (L), Bednaruk, Piscopo. All. Radostin Stoytchev.
CIMONE: Ricardo 1, Dennis 5, Tencati 8, Nascimento 21, Murilo 13, Heller 12, Donadio (L), Sartoretti 3, Sidao, Casoli 3, N.e. Soli, Pagni. All. Andrea Giani.
ARBITRI: Castagna di Bari e Cipolla di Palermo.
SETS LENGHT: 27’, 37’, 27’, 31’
NOTES: 2865 spettatori per un incasso di 22.906 euro. Itas Diatec Trentino: 9 blocks, 6 aces, 15 wrong serves, 8 mistakes in action, 54% in attack, 67% (50%) digging. Cimone Modena: 9 blocks, 3 aces, 10 wrong serves, 17 mistakes in action , 47% in attack, 58% (47%) digging. Mvp: Vladimir Nikolov.