“La Prima Battuta” , the first act of 2019/2020 Credem Banca Serie A season, took place this morning at Palazzo dei Congressi in Salsomaggiore Terme. Anchorman of National TV RAI Alessandro Antinelli introduced all the guests, obviously together with Lega Volley Italian Volleyball League CEO Massimo Righi, who spoke about the greatness and the development of Italian Volleyball League, and about the important partnership with Credem Banca, speaking about this together with Stefano Morellini, Vice Director of Credem Banca.
With the funny help of comedian Paolo Cevoli, Massimo Righi awarded the winners of past season, Cucine Lube Civitanova for the win in Superleague and Champions League, Leo Shoes Modena for the win in Del Monte Supercup, Sir Safety Conad Perugia for the win in Del Monte Italian Cup, Itas Trentino for the win in CEV Cup and in world Championships for Clubs, celebrating the dominion of italian volleyball in the world.
Best Referee of Credem Banca Superleague was Andrea Puecher, and Giuseppe Curto for Serie A2, in the end Massimo Righi awarded all the newcomers in Serie A3, Porto Viro, Palmi, Brugherio (presente l’allenatore Danilo Durand), Fano (DS Mattia Brunetti), Motta di Livenza (Presidente Rinaldo De Bortoli), Ottaviano (Presidente Raffaele Uliano), Sabaudia (ufficio stampa Miriam Rizzardi) e Torino (DT Attilio Giorda), assieme alle altre nuove squadre di A3, Bolzano (Team Manager Eros Ambrosi), Corigliano-Rossano (DG Pino De Patto), Modica (DG Giorgio Scavino) e San Donà di Piave (DS Ivan Francescato).
It was a great volleyball showdown with some great pearls of music and entertainment, with the performances of already mentioned Paolo Cevoli and the wonderful singing performance of Sharol Dos Santos, all the show under the direction of Maestro Marco Caronna.