Raccorderie Metalliche Mantova: After the first friendly match with Japan Tobacco other friendly matches have been scheduled:
30 August at 7.00PM: Cosmogas Fo-Raccorderie Metalliche Mn
31 August at 5.30PM:Allenamento congiunto con Antonveneta Pd
5 September at 6.00PM: Raccorderie Metalliche Mn – Marmi Lanza Vr
14 September at 6.00PM: Sisley Tv- Raccorderie Metalliche MN
16 September at 6.00PM:Raccorderie Metalliche Mn- Hyiunday Seoul
19 September : Copra Piacenza- Raccorderie Metalliche Mn
Sergio Martini
Press Office Raccorderie Metalliche Mn