Cimone Modena: Pallavolo Modena announces the agreement with middleblocker Andrè Heller. The brazilian atlete in the next season will play with Cimone Modena.
The arrival of Andrè Heller is the last of a long list: Andrè Nascimento, Pietro Rinaldi & Luca Tencati.

NAME: Andrè Heller
Born in Novo Hamburgo (Brasile) il 17/12/1975
ROLE: middleblocker
HEIGHT: 200 cm


2006-2007 A1 Itas Diatec Trentino
2005-2006 A1 Itas Diatec Trentino
2004-2005 A1 Itas Diatec Trentino
2003-2004 A Unisul (BRA)
1999-2000 A Minas (BRA)
1996-1999 A Ulbra (BRA)
1994-1995 A Frangosul (BRA)


2006 World Championship, World League
2005 Grand Champions Cup
2005 Soth American Championship, World League
2004 Olympics Games, World League, Brazilian Championship – “Superliga”
2003 World League
2001 World League
2000 Brazilian Championship – “Superliga”
1999 South American Championship, Brazilian Championship- “Superliga”
1998 Brazilian Championship – “Superliga”
1997 Brazilian Championship – “Superliga”
1995 Brazilian Championship – “Superliga”
