Framasil Cucine Pineto: Pallavolo Pineto announces to have signed with Goran Bjelica, spiker born on 1985, 204 cm tall, arriving from Serbia. Last season he played with Stella Rossa Belgrado.

He did declare: “I am very happy to be here, I will try to do my best for the team. I had the chance to see the structures and the City already and I am very happy about it, especially for the welcome received by the Club and the fans. I really hope that I will remain here for a long time”.

Technical details
Goran Bjelica, born in Ljubljana (Slovenia) on 05/09/1985, Serbian, 204cm tall.

2003/04 A Stella Rossa Belgrado
2004/05 A Stella Rossa Belgrado
2005/06 A Stella Rossa Belgrado
2006/07 A Stella Rossa Belgrado