Sisley Treviso: 



Sisley Volley announces the arrival, with a 3 years contract, of middleblocker from Germany Stefan Hubner, 32 years old, last year with Itas Diatec Trentino. 

Stefan Hubner was born in Bielefeld on the 13th of June 1975, 200cm tall. He did start his carreer with Amburgo, in the season 1994-95. In summer 1995 goes to Moens for three years, in 1998 in Berlin for two years.
In 2000 Hubner arrives in Italy with Esse Ti Carilo Loreto in Serie A2, then two years in Serie A1 with Bossini Montichiari.
In the meantime he became one of the most important player of the German National team. In 2003 goes with Itas Diatec Trentino and play very well for the next two years.

At the beginning of season 2005-2006, Hubner announces to retire because of injuries: but in June 2006 is back in the court as a player with Itas and reaches the quarter finals.



Press and Comunication
Simone Fregonese
Enrico Castorina