Marmi Lanza Verona: Only 4 months after the surgery we are able to talk about the conditions of Marmi Lanza Verona spiker Ramon Gato.

Doctor Giulini declared: “The athlete has gone through several tests in the past days. The tests and the exams show an improvement of his foot condition and the full recovery of the movement of his ankle. This condition allows the player to start his athletic preparation and the activity with his teammates”.
“I feel great – Gato added – I am working really hard and I have to thank my phisio Barbara Calcinoni. Thanks to the terapies I feel really well and I feel like I already recovered my curl muscles and now my goal is to be ready as soon as possible in order to start the preparation in goo conditions”.

Francesca Paradiso
Press Office
mob. 349. 57.14.589