Codyeco S.Croce: Friorese Bassano against Codyeco Lupi for match 3 tonight. The game is going to start at 8,30 p.m. At the same time, in Corigliano Calabro, Castellana Grotte is going to play versus Corigliano. Pineto and Crema heve been eliminated.
Codyeco won all the times against Bassano. The latter has always suffered because of the strenght of their opponents. The responsibles of the team invited supporters to follow Desiderio and mates, taking advantage from the bus service.
As for the “wolves”, they had a meeting in which they talked about the game.
Kristian Lirutti’s words, Codyeco’s spiker:”We are ready to play our best”. Fabbiani says as well “I did not play well last time but I will give the best of me for this match”.Vlam’s opinion:”The colours of this team are the ones of my city, Amsterdam. I want to win with this team.”

Codyeco Lupi Press office