Fiorese Spa Bassano:
Live on SKY. The match should have been played at 6.00PM, then at 8.00PM, at the end the Volleyball League has announced that Game2 between Fiorese Spa Bassano and Codyeco S.Croce will be played at 6.30PM to allow the live show on SKY Sport Extra. The Palabassano is going to be sold out: a great show and strong emotions will definitely be part of the night.
On Sunday at the PalaBassano, Fiorese will need all the support from the crowd in order to tie the series up and dream about the second final of its history: so Bassano Volley will count on the support of its minivolley, primovolley & babyvolley teams. All of them dressed up with the red training session t-shirt.

The match. The starting sixs that will battle tonight should be the same that start the match in Game 1. Valdo should start with: middleblockers Pagni & Corsini, spikers Janic & Lirutti, opposite Fabbiani, Torre setter and Pieri libero. Dalla Fina will count on his usual starting six. Referees of the match will be Montanari Massimo & Puletti Francesco.

Press Office
Bassano Volley
Mauro Sabino