Agnelli Metalli Bergamo: It has been a month since the Serie A2 championship ended and the disappointment for the relegation has gone and has been replaced by the will of planning the future and the season 2007/’08. Fpr Agnelli Metalli it is now the moment to think about the next Serie B1 Championship. The will of president Luca Longhi is to build a very competitive group, that can grow and consolidate in order to try again the promotion in A2 in a couple of years.
First piece of the puzzle, the confirmation of coach Luciano Cominetti. He will coach the first team of Agnelli Bergamo.

In the mean time the team is back at work, coached by Cominetti, but with only few players. The overseas players had already left and also Burgshtaler, the others are still working to keep up with the training and the physical shape, with Sangalli waiting to go under surgery fo his foot injury. The training session will go on until the end of May.