Famigliulo Corigliano: «Do they say that we are going to lose? I hope that they are the same people who told us that we could not reach playoff zone». This is Alberto Giuliani’s commnet «I think that my team is working hard and playing really well. During the season, my players have gained self-confidence and determination ». Corvetta and mates are ready to play their best against Castellana.
The game is going to be played tonight in Pala Corigliano arena, at 8:30 p.m. and the two referees will be Andrea Peucher from Rubano (Pd) and Giulio Astengo from Genova. Visit Tuttovolley.org, www.tuttovolley.org and www.radioblu.it for further information.
Everyone is waiting for this important game, especially supporters.
Pascual and Joel on one side and Parodi and De Marchi will be the protagonists. But also the rest of both teams is ready to show its value and to struggle.
[In the photo: coach Alberto Giuliani]
Johnny Fusca
Press office Famigliulo Volley Corigliano