Agnelli Metalli Bergamo: Coach Bertuletti boys went to Calabria aware that it would have been almost impossible to recover from the 3-0 of the first set. Despite that in the first set the boys fought at their very best and gave everything they got, but after losing the first set, there was nothing to do and the second and the third set went to the home teams.
But it is not over yet because Agnelli has still one chance to reach the Final Six, by playing a decisive match against Modena (that did lost in quarters against Macerata).

Vibo Valentia – Agnelli Metalli 3-0
(25-20; 25-15; 25-11)

Sets lenght: 20’, 22’, 12’.

Referees: Spinnicchia & Colombo.

Vibo Valentia:
Maiorana 4, Cannistrà 18, Barone 14, Narciso 2, Marretta 10, Ammendola 7, Gaetano 3, D’Agostino, Sacco, Mignolo, Pelaggi (libero).
Coacch: Agricola.

Agnelli Metalli:
Bonetti L. 2, Quintieri 12, Galbusera 6, Castaldello 2, Alborghetti 5, Perletti 3, Bonetti N. 1, Longhi 2, Marcassoli, Cavalleri n.e., Rota (libero).
Coach: Bertuletti.


Vibo 4
Bg 2.

Serve errors:
Vibo 2
Bg 5.

Vibo 10
Bg 6.

Attack errors:
Vibo 6
Bg 12.

Other errors:
Vibo 4.
Bg 7.