Framasil Cucine Pineto: a great party athmosphere were present at the traditional end of the year dinner for Pallavolo Pineto. At the Sporting Centre “Isola delle Palme” all the Pineto athletes meet up, from the Serie A players up to the minivolley kids, together with all the staff and the Club Managment and the sponsors. Everything to say goodbye to the volleyball season.

President Benigno D’Orazio has personally delivered some medals to the great protagonists of the Serie A2 Championship that has seen Framasil able to reach the playoff and the Tim Cup final.

“The sadness after the last three matches cannot delete the satisfaction for the season just finished. We have been able to reach the goals we targeted at the beginning of the season”.

The words of President D’Orazio left the stage to the declarations of the sponsors, starting from the owner of Framasil, Franco Balducci, that confirmed his support also for the next season.

Also Lele Fracascia will continue his work with Pallavolo Pineto.