Itas Diatec Trentino:
Trento, 20 April 2007

On Sunday night Trento and Cuneo will play for the third time in seven days to close the playoff quarter finals series. The winner will reach the semifinals. Crucial Game 3 will be played on Sunday 22 April in Cuneo, at 6.05PM. Live on SKY Sport 2.
ITAS DIATEC TRENTINO No news in the starting six. Coach Radamès Lattari will have all his players at disposal. Last trainning session: tonight at the PalaTrento, then departure to Cuneo.
For Trentino Volley it will be the 24th Playoff match, the 14th away from home, where, until now, Trento has won 5 victories.
THE OPPONENTS: Coach Prandi is a little worried about the conditions of Giba. The world champion did not train yesterday because of a foot problem, but the whole Club is sure that he will be on the court against Trento.
PREVIOUS MATCHES: The two teams has played already 21 tmes during their histories. Cuneo has won 14 times. Only 7 Victories for Trento.
STARTING SIXS: Coach Lattari should start the match wtih Meoni setter, opposite Nascimento, spikers Gallotta & Winiarski, middleblockers Heller and Hübner, and Bari libero.
Silvano Prandi should answer with Coscione setter, Giba and Wijsmans spikers, Riad and Omrcen middleblockers, Coscione setter, Abbadi opposite player and Vergnaghi libero.
GLI ARBITRI: Luca Sobrero and Fabrizio Padoan.
RADIO, TV ED INTERNET: Cuneo-Trento will be broadcast live on SKY Sport 2..

Trentino Volley S.p.A.
Press Office

Francesco Segala
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