Marmi Lanza Verona: Few days after the last match of Marmi Lanza Verona, Gabriele Cottarelli, analizes the season of the Club during the TV show “Che Aria Tira”.
Cottarelli said: “The first part of the championship went very bad for us, it has been a heavy burden to carry, 4 points and only one victory are really not enogh. Lorenzetti has been able to give new life and strength to the group but it was too late. It is sure that all the injuries we had did create us a lot of problems. Howard, Gato and Sorcinelli are important players and their injuries gave us a lot of troubles”.
Marmi Lanza Verona has confirmed during this season to have one of the best crowd in Italy. The DS confirms: “The fans showed to be really close to the team and they are sad and disappointed like we are for the relegation, but I am quite confident that they will be here also for the next season. I am proud of our supporters. We always respected them and they always respected us. This is a very nice Club made by real gentleman full of heart and passion. Another positive point has been that a lot of local sponsors decided to join our Club and support our teams and activities”.

Francesca Paradiso
Press Office
mob. 349. 57.14.589