Famigliulo Corigliano: Famigliulo enjoys its second position and gets prepared for the play off phase. Befopre this, it needs to play against Taviano.It is going to be a calm match, because both teams reached their aims.
Coach Alberto Giuliani’s words after the match against Isernia: «We played really well especially in defense and service phase. I am glad because my team showed great motication and determination. There are some players still injured but they have got time to recover»
«I appreciated the results we got after a hard work. Comgratulations to Domizioli, Parusso and De Cecco who always train their best».
The captain Antonio Corvetta declared:«We have been superior to our opponents. There was nothing to do for them. Next match? We are ready to play our best against Taviano even though the game has no consequences on the situation of the standing».

[In the photo:captan Antonio Corvetta ]

Johnny Fusca
Press office
Famigliulo Volley Corigliano