Monini Spoleto: 8.30PM. Saturday 7 April 2007. A Moretti block states the victory against Agnelli Bergamo and after 2 hours and 14 minutes the Palarota can finally scream “WE ARE SAFE!!”
Since the beginning it seems clear that the match will not be easy. Bergamo played at its best looking for that victory too long not achieved.
Monini, on the other hand, plays under pressure and the boys seems nervous: first set goes to Bergamo with the score 25-21.
In the second set Spoleto recovers and starts to play as usual. Set won and situation of the sets is now 1-1. The ears listen to the match between Crema and Modugno, very important as well for the salvation. Third set sees Bergamo going ahead 13-21. Huge recovery of Spoleto able to reach 22-24 but at the end the set goes to Agnelli Metalli with the score of 22-25.
Also in the 4th set Bergamo goes ahead 11-15. Spoleto reacts and at the end is able to win the set with the score of 25-23.
Very tight tiebreak won at the end by Spoleto even if Bergamo does not give up until the very end. A great Gadnik keeps creating problems to Monini.

Press Office
Monini Marconi M.M. Spoleto