Acqua Paradiso Gabeca Montichiari:
(20-25, 22-25, 25-16, 25-20, 15-13)

Goal not achieved yet. Montichiari gaigned only two of the three points available and the team is not sure if there will be the chance for them to play the second part of the season with the playoff. Everything will be decided after the Wednesday match.
At the moment Montichiari is out of the playoff.
The match started with the following starting sixs. Velasco starts the match with Popp and Meszaros spikers, Perazzolo opposite player and Jeroncic middleblocker instead of Forni. Di Pinto starts the match with setter De Palma, that replaced the injured Nuti.
At the end of the five sets played the MVP of the match is Mauro Gavotto, opposite player of Acqua Paradiso Gabeca Montichiari.

Andrea Sala, middleblocker of Acqua Paradiso Gabeca declared: “We played this match with a lot of injuries and it was not easy for us to find the right spirit and the determination was hard to find. Taranto put us in troubles in the first two sets. Then after Gavotto hit the court we did play much better and we have been able to find our game. It is not necessary a miracle to get into the Play Off, we simply have to win in Trento and hoping that Taranto will lose against Verona. We really deserve to play the second part of the season”.

Rodrigues Anderson, spiker of Prisma Taranto: “I don’t think that the team gave up in the last sets, but Montichiari did play much better: they started to serve really well and we had problems with our passing. Acqua Paradiso is a great team and they deserve respect. Play off are in our hands now, even if the injuries of Granvorka & Nuti will give us a lot of problems”.