Modugno-Noicattaro Volley: After the victory against Taviano, Modugno-Noicattaro is going to face Tiscali Cagliari on Sunday. Coach Santilli’s team wants to gain points to reach play off zone. Modugno-Noicattaro has got the same aim. Dagioni’s boys won five matches out of 13, gaining 17 points in the standing. Coach Dagioni’s comment
“Against Traviano, we played really well, especially in service phase”.
As for next match: “Cagliari –Dagioni says –has got three spikers really strong: Barbareschi, Sevillano and Batez. We must win to gain salvation.”
Presidente Paolillo invited all players to keep concentration high.
After the match on Sunday, Crema will be waiting for Durante and mates.

Sunday 1st april – PalaPertini in Noicattaro at 6 p.m.
Referees: Antimo Fiore from Pozzuoli (Na) and Alessandro Guerra from Napoli

Antonio Rubino
Press office Modugno-Noicattaro Volley