Famigliulo Corigliano: For the fourlast match of the regular season of the Serie A2 Championship, tomorrow afternoon at 6.00PM the vice leader Famigliulo Corigliano will play at home against Fiorese Bassano.
Bassano comes from two consecutive victories but in the second part of the season the team coached by Dalla Fina has won only 4 out of the 11 matches played and currently in the seventh position of the standing.
Coach Giuliani said: “It will be a very delicate match, to face with attention and focusing. So I hope that a lot of people will come to the arena to support the team in this very delicate part of the season where all the matches are like finals for us: Isernia and Taviano especially.
About the starting sixs there should be no surprises for both teams.

Johnny Fusca
Press Office Famigliulo Volley Corigliano