Agnelli Metalli Bergamo: the four last match of the season is between the leader and the last team of the standing. Despite the fact that Bergamo has been already relegated, the boys coached by Cominetti already showed that they still have something to show.
The rossoblu will try to play as better as it gets against the leader of the standing but the mission can really be called impossible because Milan comes from 17 consecutive victories. Furthermore Bergamo is in an emergency situation: spiker Matteo Sangalli, middleblocker Matteo Burgsthaler will be out for injuries. For finnish setter Simo-Pekka Olli will be the last match with Bergamo because after the match he will go to Finland to go under surgery for his knee injury.
Bergamo will start the match with Bonetti setter, Gadnik opposite, Finazzi and Boroni middleblockers, Lafit and Yngerskog spikers and Gelasio libero.

Sara Vavassori
Press Office Agnelli Metalli Bergamo
cell. 3490847457