RPA-LuigiBacchi.it Perugia: Cuneo, Roma, Treviso and Piacenza have lower positions in the standing compared to Perugia’s one but Taranto and Modena are playing their best to improve their condition and reach the same Perugia. RPA-LuigiBacchi.it is at the 5th place.
Tomorrow, President Sciurpa’s players are going to play a really difficult match.
“Victories are good for eveeryone – Emanuele Zanini comments– and this second season we won 6 times out of 8. Cuneo is the first team in te standing and we are going to play our best. Play off zone will be reached”.

The opposite Jan Stokr is playing really well “We hope to go on like this – he explains – if we don’t stop Giba and Wijsmans, it will be a problem for us. 5th place? We are glad but I personally want more. “.

Daniele Sottile’ opinion “We are in a good moment and we need to take advantage from it. Cuneo is strong, especially for its spiking phase; our strength is teamwork”.

Team manager Benedetto Rizzato declares: “I will not be there but I feel closet o my team. Go and play your best! “.

Eleonora Cozzari
Press office
Perugia Volley