Modugno-Noicattaro Volley: Modugno-Noicattaro played a good match in PalaParenti arena losing to the tie-break against Codyeco Santa Croce. One point gained, important for the standing. Dagioni’s team (28 points) is looking for salvation.

Codyeco Santa Croce: Torre 1, Fabbiani 26, Pagni 13, Corsini 17, Janic 13, Lirutti 14, Pieri (libero), Fondi, n.e. Falaschi e Rocchini. Coach Valdo.
Wrong service 21, aces 2, blocks 16

Modugno-Noicattaro Volley: Meriggioli 2, Nuzzo 23, Lamoise 10, Giosa 8, Olteanu 17, Durante 6, Roganti (libero), Santià 3, Stangoni, n.e: Salas, Orel. Coach: Dagioni.
Wrong services: 12, aces 3, blocks v.12
Partials: 23-25, 25-19, 25-23, 19-25, 15-11.
Set duration: 26’, 21’, 25’, 21’, 15’ tot: 1h 48’

In the photo: Olteanu

Referees: Piluso from Cosenza and Amati from Terni.

Antonio Rubino
Ufficio Stampa Modugno-Noicattaro Volley