Premier Hotels Crema: Aginst Travica’s Materdomini, blues managed to win; is it going to be the same versus Bassano?
“We will try” Michele Rota’s comment, “it will be really hard.
Many things changed compering this situation with the past: Bassano has got a new setter, it improved in the spiking phase, it change its coach.
We hace got Cazzaniga again “.
Are you afraid of your opponent?
“Yes, because they want to get to play off zone, they are determined and motivated. They have got all the abilities to manage.
We are growing and we are ready “.
As for the standing: is Milan already in A1 Championship?
“I think yes. Edilesse Cavriago had the possibilità to win but it did not mangage. Only Pineto can cause some problem to that team “.
What about Premier?
“We want to do our best and to get the aim: we need to be concentrated and calm. ”

In the photo: the doctor Walter Della Frera, Diego Cerioli and coach Luca Monti