Marmi Lanza Verona: Defeated for 3-0 (25-19, 25-21, 25-21) Marmi Lanza Verona has showed anyway a good attitude. To confirm that there are the words of coach Lorenzetti: “The score of the match does not show the quality of the game that Verona showed during the match. They did play a great match especially in the serve. We have been able to play with determination and spirit, but once again unfortunately we did not move our position in the standing.”
Birarelli, 7 points scored against Mezza Roma, has declared: “We play pretty well in our defense game against a team stronger than us and that did serve very well. We came out standing tall from the match also because in some period of the match we did play at the same level than Rome”.

Francesca Paradiso
Press Office
mob. 349. 57.14.589