Agnelli Metalli Bergamo: Agnelli Metalli won the friend match against Libertas Cantù. It is a satisfaction. Both teams trained and test their abilities.

Agnelli played with the same starting six expect for the presence of Alessandro Boroni at Sangalli’s place. The match was balanced and all players played their best.

Agnelli Metalli Bg – Libertas Cantù 4-1
(25-21; 25-18; 24-26; 25-21; 26-24)

Set duration: 16’, 16’, 19’, 17’, 19’.

Referee: Marchetti di Bg.

Agnelli Metalli Bg: Boorni S. 9, Boroni A. 17, Olli 8, Gragano 2, Gelasio (libero), Finazzi 12, Lafit 19, Burgsthaler 4, Bangalli n.e., Sonetti, Gadnik 15, Yngerskog 5, Alborghetti. All. Cominetti.

Libertas Cantù: Barbaro, Perfetto, Gaviraghi, Domenghini, Monguzzi, Rolfi, Cauteruccio (L), Prina, Frigo, Marelli, Rigamonti , Pezzoni. All. Della Rosa.

Sara Vavassori
Press office Agnelli Metalli Bergamo
cell. 3490847457