Sparkling Milano: Milano is going to play versus Isernia on Saturday night at 9 p.m.
Volley Land is an extremely important event for volley’s world:not only A1 Tim Cup finals, a lot of fun and different activites are organised.
Spairani and mates wait for all supporters to be there and help them.
“We are going to fell a great emotion– Dragan Travica says – because there will be many people and the event is really famous. We are going to play our best; the period we have lived was not good and we need to go back to our way of playing. No more mistakes”.
He goes on: “ We know that our opponet is strong. It is a delicate match and we feel the tension”.
Jakub Novotny: “It is exciting to play during Volley Land. In my last match I was a bit tired but now I am ready to play my best. My team is close to its aim.”.

Alberto Ambrogi
Press office Sparkling Milano