Itas Diatec Trentino: Trento, 8th February 2007.

After the last victory in Perugia against, ’Itas Diatec Trentino is going to play again on Sunday 11th February. It is one of the most important match of the whole season. The first team in the standing, M. Roma Volley is going to be its opponent.
“It is going to be a difficult match” – Andrè Heller says –“Roma is playing an incredibile match and it is at the top of the standing. We are training hard and I think my team can win. The service will be the key of the game.”
All supporters are ready to follow an high-level volley. Heller adds “We need to focuse on trainings. It is not useful looking back to our last victory versus Roma: both teams have changed. We all grew up from a technical point of view and we have worked haed. PalaTrento arena is going to be full of people.”
As for the tickets, you can buy your own one to Trentino Volley Point, Via Zamba 11 in Trento.(tel. 0461/421377; fax 0461/422700)

Press office
Francesco Segala
Tel 0461-829939, e-mail: