Monini Spoleto: Monini Marconi Spoleto came out defeated from the match against Sparkling Milano with the score of 3-1.
In a PalaRota more than sold out (a lot of people could get in at all) Polidori’s boys have not been able to stop the positive strip of 12 consecutive victories obtained but the Milan team.
Too many serve errors, Marconi, had trouble for the whole match with the Milan spikers, well served by setter Travica, and crucial for the final victory.
A minute of silence before the starting of the match to remember the police man killed last Friday during the soccer match Palermo-Catania. More than 1400 people saw the match between thge two teams.
Beginning of the match very tight with both teams fighting point to point. First important break for Spoleto that goes ahead 17-14. Spoleto keeps the advantage and is able to close the sets in its favour with the score of 25-19.
Big start for Milano in the second set: serve errors for Spoleto and Milano is ahead 16-7 after the second time out. Spoleto reacts and fights back but it is too late. The set is in Milan hands with the score of 19-25.
Third set starts in a very tight way. But once again is Milan that score the first important break and goes ahead 14-18. Third set goes to Milan with the score of 21-25.
Milan is the owner of the match also in the fourth set. Once again too many errors with the serve give the chance to the team to score the crucial break and to go ahead 9-16. Set in Milan hands with the score of 20-25; so the match goes to Sparkling Milan.

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Monini Marconi M.M. Spoleto