Esse-Ti Carilo Loreto: There is no light for Loreto in the match against Castellana. The team comes back with a heavy loss. Like in Spoleto, coach Moretti’s team lose the game without winning not even a set.

Everybody knew it would have been a very difficult match but Esse-ti Carilo could have done a little bit more. Only in the first set Loreto is able to fight until the end with Castellana.

In the second set Loreto starts to make too many mistakes but the score keeps staying close until almost the end. But also for this partial is Castellana able to score the final points and wins also the second set.

There is no story in the third set with Castellana always ahead in the score and with Loreto not able to create problems.

So celbrations for Pascual, Joel but especially for setter Marco Fabroni back in the game after the disqualification. For Loreto there is no time to smile. The standing shows Loreto at the fifth last positon with only point of advantage towards Cavriago.


Fabroni 2, Mazzarelli, Joel 9, Libraro 11, Pascual 11, Creus 10, Barbone 11, Guglielmi (L), Lo Re, De Mori ne, Kolacny 2, Muccio ne.
Coach: D’Onghia.

ESSETI CARILO LORETO: Visentin 2, Rodrigues 13, Tomalino 3, Mosterts 5, Peda 8, Pistovic 11, Pesenti (L), Tobaldi ne, Gatto, Palharini 3, Di Fino.
Coach: Moretti.

Referees: Fiore & Guerra.

Sets and lenght: 26-24 (29’), 25-22 (28’), 25-20 (24’).